Of the 218 Beach Flag Beaches Accessible in the bathing season of 2018, Nazaré was the one that met the best accessibility conditions for its users.
Councilor Orlando Rodrigues, who was at the ceremony to deliver the certificates, speaks of a project for all.
“For the Municipality of Nazaré and its residents, today is a very important day, because we can say that Nazaré Beach is the Portuguese beach with more and better accessibility, the most inclusive and with better bathing equipment. It is with great pride that I receive this award, in the name of the enormous effort developed by this executive, his employees and other agents who, directly or indirectly, work on this beach all year round. However, this prize brings us all more responsibilities for the next bathing season, but this is a challenge for which we are very motivated. This is a clear example that we bet on everyone, without exception “.
Nazaré is the first public beach of municipal management with ISO 14001: 2015 certification and has been gathering conditions to become one of the safest and most accessible in the country.
With the support of Turismo de Portugal (Accessible Tourism program), in 2018 the Municipality carried out an investment of € 103,831.51 to increase the comfort and safety of users of the Nazaré beach.
Various equipment was installed, such as ramps, decks, foot wash, ecopoints, amphibious chair, 2 shaded zones with pergolas, water access mats, signage and a 3D map in braill; created the page “praiaparatodos.cm-nazare.pt”, built according to the norms of accessibility for blind people with the information of the beach and its services; training of recreational swimmers and concessionaires on accessible tourism and how to interact with disabled users.
In addition to these equipments, Praia da Nazaré has since 2016 color-coded color blinds for “ColorAdd” on flags indicating the state of the sea and containers for selective waste collection
“Making the beaches of the county accessible to all citizens, including those with reduced mobility, color blind and blind, has always been the objective of this policy team, making them, by means of this investment, inclusive. This is a continuous process, in which we will continue to invest, and its extension to other beaches in the county is under study, “says Walter Chicharro, Mayor of Nazaré.
News: Nazaré City Hall
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