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II Nazaré Sports Gala in March

16 January 2019

The II Sports Gala of the Municipality of Nazaré will take place on March 30, at the Cine-teatro da vila, starting at 9:00 p.m.

By the end of January, applications from associations, clubs and communities of the county, or from athletes, coaches and sports agents natural or resident in the county for more than 5 years to the categories to be awarded.

The proposals must be submitted through a separate form, which is available at the public relations office of the Nazaré City Council, at the municipal sports facilities of the municipality and at the institutional page of the Municipality of Nazaré (www.cm-nazare.pt).

The process of selecting the nominees in the respective categories will be done by an evaluation committee, made up of personalities linked to the local sports process (managers, coaches, athletes, among others) during the month of February.

Also the public will be called to participate, voting the list of nominees for the awards in the various categories (February 26 to March 17), through the internet.

The winners will be announced during the event.

The Sports Gala is an initiative of the Municipality of Nazaré and aims to enhance the practice of sport and merit through the recognition, appreciation and award of sports results obtained in 2018.

Categories of the prizes:
Sports Association / Sports Club of the year;
Team of the year;
Leader of the year;
Athlete of the year (male and female)
Coach of the year;
Revealing athlete of the year;
Adapted Sport;
School Sports;
Sports Event of the Year;
Referee / Judge of the Year;
Ethics in Sport;
Sport figure;
Tribute Career – Sports Agent;
Posthumous homage;
Prize “The Farol”;
Sporting Merit (District, Regional, National and International)

Submission of Applications:
Online form;
E-mail (edi.milhazes@cm-nazare.pt);
In the public relations office of the Nazaré City Hall (Avenida Vieira Guimarães nº 54, 2450-112 Nazaré)

More information:
Municipal Regulation of the Sports Gala of Nazaré, published in Diário da República, 2nd series – Nº 242 – December 17, 2018

Form to fill out

News from the City Hall of Nazaré!

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